RSGB Release Foundation Licence Practical Videos

To address the temporary suspension of the Foundation Practical Assessments the RSGB have produced these video demonstrations to reinforce the theory

The RSGB have been adapting to the delivery of exams and training whilst the country languishes under the 2020 COVID-19 lockdown conditions.

This has led to the introduction of remotely invigilated on-line exams, initially for the Foundation and then extended to the Intermediate and most recently the Full exam.

As part of the adaption to the restrictions of the time, practical assessments which form part of both the Foundation Syllabus and the Intermediate syllabus have been suspended. In the case of the Intermediate exam the decision has been taken not to reintroduce these once restrictions are lifted and gatherings are once again allowed. For the Foundation, at the time of writing the practical assessments remain suspended but not withdrawn indicating that they will once again become a requirement once they can be safely undertaken. There will be no requirement that anyone obtaining their Foundation licence during the lockdown suspension will be required to retrospectively be assessed for the practicals, Foundation licences obtained during lockdown will remain valid even if the practical assessments are reintroduced.

The practical assessments do, however, provide a good hands on appreciation of some of the theory taught in the Foundation classes and because some of those studying on-line and sitting on-line exams may not be able to refer to “Elmers” in their local clubs the RSGB in conjunction with the TXFactor team have produced a set of video demonstrations covering the topics that would have been part of the practical assessments.

We encourage all newly licensed people and anyone who fancies a recap to visit the RSGB website and take a look at these videos.

We have embedded these videos in our Foundation Training Page if you loose the link to the RSGB page or their YouTube Channel.

About Andy (G7KNA) 212 Articles
BEng CEng MICE. Chartered Civil Engineer and Licensed Radio Ham (G7KNA). Member of South Bristol Amateur Radio Club since 2005 and Secretary since 2010. Away from the club and work I play with computers and related gadgets exploring Open Source software and when necessary bodge the odd DIY project.