#gota2c “Get on the Air to Care” – Update

An Update on the #GOTA2C Initiative

The RSGB/NHS “Get on the Air to Care” #gota2c Campaign has received press and media coverage, South Bristol has been doing a little to help promote this.

Following the announcement of the initiative SBARC have:

  1. Posted details of the #gota2c initiative here on the Club’s private members only Groups.io mailing list and e-mailed details to those within the Club who do not participate in this system
  2. Created a News Post detailing and explaining the #gota2c initiative on the Club website which was posted through:
  3. Some club members have sent photos of themselves in their shacks, their shacks or the projects they are working on to Elaine Richards the RadCom Managing Editor in response to a request for images so that a montage of activity could be included on the cover of RadCom and within if there is sufficient material
  4. TWEETED through the Clubs TWITTER Channel the RSGB request for photographs that was “LIKED” by the RSGB themselves and retweeted by some Club members and followers on the Clubs TWITTER channel
  5. Started a Thursday evening “net” on GB3WR commencing at 19:30 local time each week, which is being masterfully managed by our “net controller” Paul G4PDC
  6. Thanks to Steve G0UQT, we have altered our AutoTWEET announcements to announce the Club net on our TWITTER channel in place of our usual calendar announcements
  7. Created a “Thank You NHS”/”Get on the Air to Care” banner and placed on the Club homepage (www.sbarc.co.uk)
  8. Made this graphic available for download and reuse in SVG, HTML and PNG format via the Clubs DropBox Public Downloads Folder (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/i8jdu3xmmcagcir/AAAUHj3GC4qtxYfb693ui2G5a?dl=0)
  9. Collated all of the regional “net” information being shared by Clubs in the South West through the Region 11 Mailing List, which you are all welcome to join, and created a web-page to make all of the “net” information available to all at https://www.sbarc.co.uk/about/nets/
  10. The current Foundation Course, which had completed 4 out of the 8 topics before the current restrictions on movement and social gatherings were imposed, has moved on-line to a virtual classroom every Thursday at 20:00 using the JITSI-MEET platform, thanks to Dave G0DPW for helping get everyone set up to use the system which employs either a browser or an Android/iOS app
  11. Prepared this update as another News post on the Club website and announced it through the same social media channels as the original announcement: TWITTER, FACEBOOK, LinkedIn

National press and media coverage has been secured by Heather Parsons the RSGB Communications Manager and you make like to review:

  1. Steve Thomas and Paul Devlin were interviewed on the morning of 17/04/2020 on BBC Three Counties radio – you can listen online now, their interview starts at 1:23:48 – https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p088bpbc
  2. On 5 May the BBC posted a front page news story on their website about the #gota2c campaign the preparation of which took about a week of work between the journalist and Heather and even though the final published piece was shorter than originally hoped it was important publicity for the hobby. You can read the full storey here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-52442553
  3. The BBC Midlands Region did a TV piece following the previous story line, it can be found on iPlayer (https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m000hzdv/midlands-today-evening-news-05052020). According to Heather they cut the recorded piece that Jim did by over half but his enthusiasm for amateur radio still shines through and he mentions both the RSGB and the RI exams
  4. The RSGB had some great coverage of ‘Get on the air to care’ and amateur radio generally in the media. The BBC online news feature was also picked up by other media outlets across the world, has caused some radio amateurs to get in touch with the RSGB to renew their licences and has generated lots of chat and interest. You’ll find a round-up of (most) of the media coverage on the RSGB special webpage: www.rsgb.org/gota2c-media. There’s still a few pieces to add but they will be added soon
  5. The campaign, amateur radio, GB1NHS and the RSGB were mentioned on the British Forces Broadcasting Service breakfast show on 7 May 2020 in an interview with Paul Devlin, G1SMP – NHS England Emergency Care Improvement Support Team and also RSGB District Representative. BFBS radio broadcasts nationally across the UK and in 20 countries, 10 of which have permanent radio stations. They operate wherever British Forces are deployed. The show’s presenter also hosts an international radio show for BFBS with the BBC on Saturdays and will play the interview on there probably on 9 May 2020. Another excellent audience to reach. This will be announced on the RSGB website and on social media later and will be included on the RSGB GOTA2C media page
  6. RSGB Board Director, Stewart Bryant has recorded a short video explaining how the RSGB Operating Team is supporting GOTA2C. This will go live 8 May 2020 to link in with VE Day and the VE/VJ day radio marathon so look out for that on the RSGB YouTube channel, website and across social media

Hon Sec
for and on behalf of South Bristol ARC

About Andy (G7KNA) 212 Articles
BEng CEng MICE. Chartered Civil Engineer and Licensed Radio Ham (G7KNA). Member of South Bristol Amateur Radio Club since 2005 and Secretary since 2010. Away from the club and work I play with computers and related gadgets exploring Open Source software and when necessary bodge the odd DIY project.