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GB3WR is a well established and much used 2m Amateur Radio Analogue repeater that has had a number of sites over the years but is, or at least was, sited on the Mendip Hills. Its coverage is particularly good as shown in the map below:
In June 2024 GB3WR was forced off air, a situation lamented by many in the south-west and South Wales. The Repeater Group were forced to take this decision although all recognised the potential loss to the local Amateur Radio community.
What followed was a long and protracted negotiation with the commercial operator of the site, WIG, to create a new Agreement to allow GB3WR, and GB7PM, to return to the commercial site in an operational form.
We are pleased to report, following various posts by the GB3WR Repeater Group, that agreement has been reached and that plans are now being made to return GB3WR and GB7PM to full operation.
The equipment needs to be tested, reinstalled and tested once again in situ before it can be fully commissioned and returned to public use. Naturally this isn’t going to be instantaneous but the Repeater Group hope to have things back in an operational condition by the end of March 2025.
This has not been an easy process and SBARC would like to congratulate the Repeater Group on their tenacity in working out a solution to return what is undoubtedly a key regional asset in the Amateur Radio infrastructure to operation.
Now would be a very good time to consider making a donation to the GB3WR Repeater Group to assist them in meeting all of their costs to ensure the continued operation of GB3WR and GB7PM from this site. Details of how to donate can be found on the GB3WR Website. We understand that members of the Repeater Group will be attending a number of the upcoming local rallies (see our Mailing List Post about local rallies) so that they can catch you in person if you don’t wish to use electronic payment methods.
Let’s hope there are no upsets between now and the end of March that delay the reintroduction of GB3WR and GB7PM.