VHF Field Day 2024 Predictions

Claimed scores from all participants are now published. We await the adjudicated results

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Summary of Submitted Logs

VHF Field Day took place over the first weekend of July 2024, that’s Saturday 6/Sunday 7. Entrants have 7 days following the end of the contest to submit their logs and claimed scores, after this time the unaudited results of claimed scores is made public.

In the past, we have analysed these preliminary unaudited results as a bit of a laugh to see how we think we’ve done.

This year there were 112 separate callsigns submitting logs as part of the VHF Field Day contest across all bands, although some groups operated more than 1 callsign.

The breakdown by band and class is as follows:

Band Open Restricted Low Power Single Transmitter Fixed Station Open Fixed Station restricted Check Log TOTAL
50MHz (6m) 7 13 3 1 4 19 3 50
70MHz (4m) 7 15 2 1 3 11 5 44
144MHz (2m) 12 14 10 4 7 33 10 90
432MHz (70cm) 5 10 7 2 4 22 4 54
1.3GHz (23cm) 4 4 3 2 4 10 0 27
TOTAL 35 56 25 10 22 95 22 265

We took part in the Low Power class on both 50MHz (6m) and 144MHz (2m), our direct competitors are other individuals or groups who have also taken part in the Low Power class on one or more of the competition bands.

Callsign Group 50MHz 70MHz 144MHz 432MHz 1.3GHz
G0OLE/P Goole R&ES Restricted Restricted Low    
G2BQY/P Trowbridge & DARC Open Restricted Restricted Low Restricted
G3SRT/P Salop ARS Restricted Restricted Open Restricted Low
G3VEF/P Fareham & DARC Low Low Low    
G3ZME/P Telford & DARS Restricted Restricted Restricted Low Low
G4EKT/P Hornsea ARC     Restricted Low  
G4SJM/P Ripon & DARS Low   Low Low  
G4WAW/P South Bristol ARC Low   Low    
G4WGE/P North East Surrey CG     Low    
G8SRC/P Swindon & DARC Open Open Open Restricted Low
GW1YBB/P Hereford ARS     Low    
M0KLU Mid Cheshire ARS     Low    
M0NFD/P Northern Fells CG   Low Low Low  
M0REG/P Worthing Radio Events Group Restricted Restricted Restricted Low  
MW0LKX/P Hereford ARS     Low    
S5/M0MPM/P No Group     Low Low  
Number of Low Power entries 3 2 10 7 3

Our performance on each band we operated on will be measured against all Low Power entries, but our performance in the Low Power class will only be measured against those making a Low Power class entry. The rules limit Low Power class entries to a maximum of 3 bands, any group with a mix of classes will most likely end up in the “Mix and Match” class and will not, therefore, be measured against us.

50MHz Performance

Callsign Group QSOs Points Points/QSO
G3VEF/P Fareham & DARC 20 6252 312.60
G4SJM/P Ripon & DARS 13 3146 242.00
G4WAW/P South Bristol ARC 17 1468 86.35

Our 50MHz (6m) operation was compromised both by a later than planned start, an initially high SWR on the antenna and the lack of a rotator.

144MHz Performance

Callsign Group QSOs Points Points/QSO
M0NFD/P Northern Fells CG 115 32462 282.28
G4WAW/P South Bristol ARC 115 22251 193.49
GW1YBB/P Hereford ARS 108 22175 205.32
MW0LKX/P Hereford ARS 83 17337 208.88
G4SJM/P Ripon & DARS 55 13804 250.98
G4WGE/P North East Surrey CG 51 8694 170.47
S5/M0MPM/P No Group 49 8297 169.33
G3VEF/P Fareham & DARC 48 6937 144.52
G0OLE/P Goole R&ES 33 5400 163.64
M0KLU Mid Cheshire ARS 4 205 51.25

Our provisional second place is a little precarious. The final result will come down to logging accuracy between us and the Hereford ARS team operating GW1YBB/P. The average points/qso is very similar between ourselves and both Hereford ARS teams but noticeably less than both Ripon and District ARS and especially the Northern Fells Contest Group. Despite the disparity between us and the Northern Fells Contest Group our average is better than the other groups in the list in some cases by a greater margin than Northern Fells Contest Group achieved over us.

Low Power Class Performance

Callsign Group 50MHz 70MHz 144MHz 432MHz 1.3GHz Total
Claimed Score Normalised Score Claimed Score Normalised Score Claimed Score Normalised Score Claimed Score Normalised Score Claimed Score Normalised Score
M0NFD/P Northern Fells CG 0 0 6637 1000 32462 1000 5891 926 0 0 2926
G4SJM/P Ripon & DARS 3146 503 0 0 13804 425 6361 1000 0 0 1928
G3VEF/P Fareham & DARC 6252 1000 1879 283 6937 214 0 0 0 0 1497
G4WAW/P South Bristol ARC 1468 235 0 0 22251 685 0 0 0 0 920
GW1YBB/P Hereford ARS 0 0 0 0 22175 683 0 0 0 0 683
MW0LKX/P Hereford ARS 0 0 0 0 17337 534 0 0 0 0 534
S5/M0MPM/P No Group 0 0 0 0 8297 256 1170 184 0 0 440
G4WGE/P North East Surrey CG 0 0 0 0 8694 268 0 0 0 0 268
M0KLU Mid Cheshire ARS 0 0 0 0 205 6 0 0 0 0 6

Northern Fells Contest Group’s position at the top of the Low Power class is unassailable, with top scores on 2 bands and a close second on the third band they have effectively made a clean sweep. Both Ripon and District ARS and Fareham and District ARC mounted a 3 band entry which will always give them an edge over our 2 band entry.

We are the highest placed entry that didn’t compete on three bands. Fareham and District ARC followed the pattern that we had intended to adopt and scored their best position on 6m, something we achieved last year. Their scores on 70MHz (4m) and 144MHz (2m) were less impressive, however, as they finished well behind us on 144MHz (2m).

We would have needed an additional 577 normalised points, with a fully operational 6m station and the addition of a 4m station overhauling Fareham and District ARC would have been probable but matching Ripon and District ARS would have been more challenging.

Fourth place in the Low Power class looks to be the likely conclusion to this years VHF Field Day, a result that we can be justifiably proud of. However, this is just a bit of fun based on claimed scores. The final result will be confirmed once the logs have been adjudicated

About Andy (G7KNA) 212 Articles
BEng CEng MICE. Chartered Civil Engineer and Licensed Radio Ham (G7KNA). Member of South Bristol Amateur Radio Club since 2005 and Secretary since 2010. Away from the club and work I play with computers and related gadgets exploring Open Source software and when necessary bodge the odd DIY project.