VHF Field Day 2023 – Claimed Scores Analysis

VHF Field Day 2023

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The following is just a bit of fun, it should not be regarded as complete or accurate but merely an indication of how the Field Day weekend panned out. It is no more accurate than the famous “swingometer” that features on election night TV broadcasts.

For VHF Field Day, the deadline for submitting Logs is 7 days after the contest closes. During that 7 day period those interested can see:

  • Who has submitted contest or check logs,
  • What bands they have entered logs for, and
  • Which class they have entered.

Beyond that limited information nothing can be discerned in terms of performance such as number of QSOs, Points claimed, Best DX etc. After the 7 day submission period has expired the adjudicators make available the “claimed” scores of each participant. This post takes a look at these claims and suggests one possible outcome based on our own claimed performance.

It must be remembered that this assessment is based on our and others “claimed” scores and have not been ratified or adjudicated. Actual scores are usually lower than claimed due to logging errors, with our error rates typically running in the 5% – 15% range over past years.

50MHz Claimed Scores

50MHz Claimed Scores

 Position   Callsign   Group   QSOs   QSO Points   Points/QSO 
1 G4WAW/P South Bristol ARC 51 46122 904.35
2 G4BAD/P Bath & DARC 59 40832 692.07
3 G0OLE/P Goole R&ES 43 37153 864.02
4 G4SJM/P Ripon & DARS 26 27946 1074.85
5 G3WKX/P Maidenhead & DARC 10 5322 532.2
6 M7HLA Mid Cheshire ARS 1 40 40

What a great result! Congratulations to the 50MHz team which comprised: Mark M0SKV basically on his own operating and logging. This is a great position, we’re nearly 6000 points clear of Bath and District ARC in second place; so even with a 10% error rate we’ll remain in top slot.

70MHz Claimed Scores

 Position   Callsign   Group   QSOs   QSO Points   Points/QSO 
1 G3ZME/P Telford & DARS 61 10277 168.48
2 G0ARC/P Andover RAC 47 7055 150.11
3 G0OLE/P Goole R&ES 35 6912 197.49
4 G4BAD/P Bath & DARC 44 6320 143.64
5 G4WAW/P South Bristol ARC 33 5733 173.73
6 G4SJM/P Ripon & DARS 24 5351 222.96

So we’re lower down the table this time. Annoyingly we are lower than Bath and District ARC this time but can take consolation from the fact that although they had 33% more contacts than us they only scored 10% more points than we did so we were working more valuable stations than they were. Interesting that the lowest 5 stations are covered by only 1700 points but Telford and District ARS managed to score fully 3200 points more than the second place station.

Hopefully our logging is reasonably accurate, a 10% loss could drop us 200 points below Rippon unless they have losses too.

144MHz Claimed Scores

 Position   Callsign   Group   QSOs   QSO Points   Points/QSO 
1 M0NFD/P Northern Fells CG 106 32049 302.35
2 GW1YBB/P Hereford ARS 127 23436 184.54
3 MW0LKX/P Hereford ARS 87 14950 171.84
4 G4WAW/P South Bristol ARC 83 14023 168.95
5 G4XZL/P Fareham & DARC 58 13245 228.36
6 G4SJM/P Ripon & DARS 37 9319 251.86
7 G4HZG/P Burton upon Trent ARC 38 6866 180.68
8 G4SDX/P Halifax & DARC 34 6704 197.18
9 GM0ULK/P Aberdeen ARS 13 6337 487.46
10 G0OIW/P Non-AFS Groups 37 4749 128.35
11 M0TZM/P Telford & DARS 8 821 102.63
12 G3MNJ Swindon & DARC 2 61 30.5
13 M0OXF Harwell ARS 1 24 24

Not our best result on 2m, but by no means our worst. We’ve regularly finished around 3rd – 4th on this band in previous years. More damaging to us, as will be seen later in this post is that the winning entry from Northern Fells Contest group managed 18000 points more than us. That’s 128% more points off only 28% more contacts. The second place station actually had more QSOs that the Northern Fells group but even they were 8600 points behind them.

A loss of 10% could drop us below Fareham and District ARC but should keep us above Ripon and District ARS.

432MHz Claimed Scores

 Position   Callsign   Group   QSOs   QSO Points   Points/QSO 
1 G2BQY/P Trowbridge & DARC 46 11727 254.93
2 M0NFD/P Northern Fells CG 34 10542 310.06
3 G0ARC/P Andover RAC 52 10375 199.52
4 G0OLE/P Goole R&ES 22 5030 228.64
5 G1DSP/P Spalding & DARS 24 3419 142.46
6 G3WKX/P Maidenhead & DARC 8 830 103.75
7 G0TAR Medway ARTS 4 307 76.75
8 G8DXU/P Southdown ARS 3 209 69.67

We didn’t operate on 432MHz (70cm).

1300MHz Claimed Scores

 Position   Callsign   Group   QSOs   QSO Points   Points/QSO 
1 G0ARC/P Andover RAC 41 7809 190.46
2 G3ZME/P Telford & DARS 36 4985 138.47
3 M0NFD/P Northern Fells CG 15 3850 256.67
4 G3SRT/P Salop ARS 13 1500 115.38

We didn’t operate on 1300MHz (23cm)

The contest scoring uses a technique known as “normalisation”, which in essence assigns the highest points haul on each band a score of 1000 and every other entrant a fractional score of 1000 based on the ratio of their claimed points to the maximum claimed points. For example, consider a situation where the best performing entry for a given class and band amassed 20,000points and the other two entrants (making 3 entrants in total) amassed 15,000 points and 10,000 points respectively. The highest point entry (20,000) would be awarded a score of 1000, the second highest entry would receive a score of 750 (15000/20000 x 1000) and the third entry would receive a score of 500 (10000/20000 x 1000)

The “normalised” scores based on the unadjudicated claimed points total for each entrant in our class is shown below.

Overall Results

 Position   Callsign   Group   No. of Bands   50MHz   70MHz   144MHz   432MHz   1300MHz   TOTAL 
1 G0ARC/P Andover RAC 3 0 686 0 885 1000 2571
2 M0NFD/P Northern Fells CG 3 0 0 1000 899 493 2392
3 G4WAW/P South Bristol ARC 3 1000 558 438 0 0 1995
4 G0OLE/P Goole R&ES 3 806 673 0 429 0 1907
5 G3ZME/P Telford & DARS 2 0 1000 0 0 638 1638
6 G4BAD/P Bath & DARC 2 885 615 0 0 0 1500
7 G4SJM/P Ripon & DARS 3 606 521 291 0 0 1417
8 G2BQY/P Trowbridge & DARC 1 0 0 0 1000 0 1000
9 GW1YBB/P Hereford ARS 1 0 0 731 0 0 731
10 MW0LKX/P Hereford ARS 1 0 0 466 0 0 466
11 G4XZL/P Fareham & DARC 1 0 0 413 0 0 413
12 G1DSP/P Spalding & DARS 1 0 0 0 292 0 292
13 G4HZG/P Burton upon Trent ARC 1 0 0 214 0 0 214
14 G4SDX/P Halifax & DARC 1 0 0 209 0 0 209
15 GM0ULK/P Aberdeen ARS 1 0 0 198 0 0 198
16 G3SRT/P Salop ARS 1 0 0 0 0 192 192
17 G3WKX/P Maidenhead & DARC 2 115 0 0 71 0 186
18 G0OIW/P Non-AFS Groups 1 0 0 148 0 0 148
19 G0TAR Medway ARTS 1 0 0 0 26 0 26
20 M0TZM/P Telford & DARS 1 0 0 26 0 0 26
21 G8DXU/P Southdown ARS 1 0 0 0 18 0 18
22 G3MNJ Swindon & DARC 1 0 0 2 0 0 2
23 M7HLA Mid Cheshire ARS 1 1 0 0 0 0 1
24 M0OXF Harwell ARS 1 0 0 1 0 0 1

On the face of it we seem to be third overall, Andover crept in on Thursday after the last update was posted with a good performance on 23cm, a good result on 70cm and a creditable result on 4m. Given that Andover have only submitted 3 logs, all in the low power class it is inevitable that they will be declared class winners.

Northern Fells Contest Group have submitted 5 logs, the three noted above in the low power class and 2 in the Restricted class of the other bands. My view is that they will enter the “Mix and Match” class and therefore not be a contender in the low power class, potentially elevating us to 2nd place.

If we were to drop 10% on each band we would continue to be top of 50MHz (6m) leaving our score of 1000 intact, we would drop to a “normalised” score of 502 on 70MHz (4m) and 394 on 144MHz (2m) reducing our “normalised” total to 1896 dropping us just behind Goole Radio and Electronics Society if they had no loss at all. However, as we’d only be 11 “normalised” points behind them it’s probable that we can maintain 2nd place and stay well ahead of Bath and District ARC too!

About Andy (G7KNA) 212 Articles
BEng CEng MICE. Chartered Civil Engineer and Licensed Radio Ham (G7KNA). Member of South Bristol Amateur Radio Club since 2005 and Secretary since 2010. Away from the club and work I play with computers and related gadgets exploring Open Source software and when necessary bodge the odd DIY project.