Remote Invigilation Exam(s) (Update 5)

Clean Sweep

4th pass making a 100% clean sweep

Two updates in one this time

Norman is the final of the original group of 4 to sit his Foundation exam and despite some trepidation secured a pass. He will be applying for his callsign at the earliest opportunity so that he can use the equipment he has already acquired and set up in the expectation of his pass.

A final update will follow this one when Norman lets us know his callsign,

Speaking of new callsigns, Dave armed with his pass certificate is now M7BBN.

So if you hear Mike Seven Bravo Bravo November on air please welcome him, that’s dah-dah  dah-dah-di-di-dit  dah-di-di-dit  dah-di-di-dit  dah-dit!

Remote Invigilation Foundation Exam(s) (Update 4)

Third Pass!

Dave sat his exam today (09/09/2020) at 11:00. By his own admission Dave is not a computer savvy person, in fact he doesn’t even own a computer using just a phone or a tablet. Consequently there was some trepidation about the on-line exam format and the Club provided a laptop set up for the exam.

Despite this he was made to feel comfortable with the on-line exam and successfully passed his exam. To say that he was pleased would be an understatement and we’re sure he will be onto OfCom as soon as he gets his pass certificate, we look forward to informing you of his callsign as soon as it is allocated and Dave lets us know what it is.

Remote Invigilation Foundation Exam(s) (Update 3)

Second callsign!

Richard has obtained his new callsign. Like Kevin M7AWX he found that the combinations he was hoping for were already allocated so he also accepted the next available being issued M7AXU.

So if you hear Mike Seven Alpha X-Ray Uniform on air please welcome him to the hobby

So that’s dah-dah  dah-dah-di-di-dit  di-dah  dah-di-di-dah  di-di-dah!

Richard spent most of Thursday learning how to program his rig with the GB3WR repeater details of output frequency, offset and CTCSS tone, but he mastered this in time to join the Clubs weekly Thursday night net where he was warmly welcomed to the air.

Remote Invigilation Foundation Exam(s) (Update 2)

More news!

Kevin has obtained his new callsign, after a bit of a battle with the OfCom licencing portal he elected to take the next available call and was granted M7AWX, which I think sounds pretty good.

So if you hear Mike Seven Alpha Whisky X-Ray on air please welcome him to the hobby

So that’s dah-dah  dah-dah-di-di-dit  di-dah  di-dah-dah  dah-di-di-dah!

Kevin is still deciding on what his set up will look like and has already received telemetry from orbiting satellites. At the moment his transmitting capability is restricted to a 2m/70cm handheld but an external antenna is already on the cards. As we all know it’s a slippery slope from there!

Remote Invigilation Foundation Exam(s) (Update 1)

The Club commenced a traditional classroom based evening course for the Foundation exam in February 2020, there are 4 students on this course:

  • David;
  • Kevin;
  • Norman; and
  • Richard.

The course is being run by David G0DPW, and Andy G7KNA.

The imposition of "lockdown" in response to the growing COVID-19 pandemic in the latter half of March, not unsurprisingly, caused a degree of disruption! After a little bit of research and testing "virtual classrooms" were implemented with all 4 students joining a JITSI-MEET video conference every Thursday night, just as they would have if the Club were still open, right after monitoring the Club Net.

The trainers: Dave G0DPW and Andy G7KNA, had to quickly convert the handout style notes to presentation slides which could be displayed in the virtual classroom using the "shared screen" capability.

Initially, to both test the application and to allow the students time to adapt to the new format, the previous classroom sessions were recapped but as the "lockdown" continued the new topics were taught entirely within the "virtual classroom".

Once all of the modules had been covered, the course adapted to mock exams and recap sessions to focus on areas of group or individual weakness.

Initial uncertainty as to how the Practical Assessments and Exam would be handled was quickly resolved when the RSGB introduced the Remote Invigilated On-Line Foundation Exams. This extremely practical response to the unprecedented restrictions arising from the COVID-19 pandemic has allowed a record number of people to complete their Foundation Exam and obtain their Foundation Licence and the initiative has now been extended to include the Intermediate Exam.

As and when our students felt prepared enough to take the exam; they have individually applied for their exam slot and followed the remote invigilators advice and direction. To date this is how things have transpired:

9 July 2020

Kevin sat his On-Line Remote Invigilated Foundation Exam.

Handicapped by a number of long work shifts leading up to the day of the exam, despite his tiredness he was still able to pass with a reasonable margin.

21 July 2020

Richard sat his On-Line Remote Invigilated Foundation Exam.

Clearly well prepared, Richard managed a clean sweep in the exam his 100% pass mark giving indisputable evidence of his preparation.

As and when we know what callsigns they have chosen or we have information on the other students we will update the news post.

The Remote Invigilated Exams have been an unqualified success, the numbers sitting and passing since this initiative was launched has been beyond expectations. Whilst the COVID-19 and Furloughing has undoubtedly created a high demand the increase compared to the same time in recent years cannot be solely attributed to the unusual circumstances. There is no doubt that the availability of on-line Remotely Invigilated Exams has made access to the hobby easier and more attractive to a large number of people and we look forward to its continuance.

About Andy (G7KNA) 212 Articles
BEng CEng MICE. Chartered Civil Engineer and Licensed Radio Ham (G7KNA). Member of South Bristol Amateur Radio Club since 2005 and Secretary since 2010. Away from the club and work I play with computers and related gadgets exploring Open Source software and when necessary bodge the odd DIY project.