Proposed Sunday Morning 4m Net

Is there any interest in a 4m Sunday Morning Net?

Chris 2E0GLZ has been in touch to ask if a 4m net on a Sunday morning is of interest. This is partly because his shift pattern prevents him from joining the SBARC “Friendly 4m Net” on a Tuesday evening but also because he is keen to encourage activity on 4m and test his own equipment out.

The logistics might need to be refined but the thought is that the 4m net could start either:

  1. At 10:15/10:30 to allow the GB2RS News on GB3ZB to go out at 09:30 and for after-broadcast signal reports and discussion to take place on GB3ZB as it currently does before those who are able switch over to 4m; or
  2. At 11:15/11:30 to allow the GB2RS News on 145.525MHz FM to go out at 10:30 and for after-broadcast signal reports and discussion to take place before those who are able switch over to 4m.

Please let us have your thoughts via the “enquiries” e-mail address in the footer of this page and we will send all thoughts, comments (positive and negative), and constructive advice through to Chris 2E0GLZ so he can determine if and how he takes this initiative forward.

Please let Chris 2E0GLZ have your thoughts. We look forward to hearing from you all.

Here is a summary of the responses received so far. All of these will be forwarded to Chris 2E0GLZ for consideration

On Sunday 15 November 2020 at 18:45 Paul G4PDC wrote:

4m net

Yes sounds good to me.


On Sunday 15 November 2020 at 14:52 David G0DPW wrote:

Give a choice I would prefer the earlier time as I need to start cooking lunch around midday!!!!
I might need reminding !!!! Sunday morning is usually a laid back easy morning of not doing very much !!!


On Sunday 15 November 2020 at 14:25 Robin G3TKF wrote:

Re 4m net

Interesting idea and good band to keep active – great local coverage !
I would be interested, but your suggested times do clash with other nets (Shirehampton 1100 hrs Sun)
How about 1000 – 1100 hrs Sunday morning after the 0930 news ?
OR Sunday afternoon maybe – not many nets in the afternoons !

Apologies for the suggested unintentional clash with the Shirehampton net, clearly 11:00 is already in use and not a viable time for this proposed net – G7KNA


On Monday 16 November at 15:38 Paul G4PDC wrote:

Yes Sunday afternoon would be a better choice for me.

On the strength of these responses Chris 2E0GLZ has decided to chair a net as follows:

  • Day of Week: Sunday
  • Time of Day: 15:00Hrs (local)
  • Recurrence: Weekly on Sundays
  • Frequency and Mode: 70.475MHz FM

All of those with a 4m capability and the time to participate are encouraged to support this.

About Andy (G7KNA) 212 Articles
BEng CEng MICE. Chartered Civil Engineer and Licensed Radio Ham (G7KNA). Member of South Bristol Amateur Radio Club since 2005 and Secretary since 2010. Away from the club and work I play with computers and related gadgets exploring Open Source software and when necessary bodge the odd DIY project.