South Bristol ARC held another Foundation Exam for three students who had undertaken our evening class.
Indicative results on the night suggest 2 passed. More updates to follow once actual result and callsigns are known.
Mark’s New Callsign
Mark has now received his callsign as M6FKV (dah-dah dah-di-di-di-dit di-di-dah-dit dah-di-dah di-di-di-dah), if you hear him on air please work him and welcome him to the hobby.
Gary’s New Callsign
Gary has been in touch to confirm that his callsign is M6HCC (dah-dah dah-di-di-di-dit di-di-di-dit dah-di-dah-dit dah-di-dah-dit). Please welcome him to the bands if you come across him on air.