Foundation Exam 30-04-2015

Indicative Passes

South Bristol ARC held another Foundation Exam for three students who had undertaken our evening class.

Indicative results on the night suggest 2 passed. More updates to follow once actual result and callsigns are known.

Mark’s New Callsign

Mark has now received his callsign as M6FKV (dah-dah dah-di-di-di-dit di-di-dah-dit dah-di-dah di-di-di-dah), if you hear him on air please work him and welcome him to the hobby.

Gary’s New Callsign

Gary has been in touch to confirm that his callsign is M6HCC (dah-dah dah-di-di-di-dit di-di-di-dit dah-di-dah-dit dah-di-dah-dit). Please welcome him to the bands if you come across him on air.

About Andy (G7KNA) 212 Articles
BEng CEng MICE. Chartered Civil Engineer and Licensed Radio Ham (G7KNA). Member of South Bristol Amateur Radio Club since 2005 and Secretary since 2010. Away from the club and work I play with computers and related gadgets exploring Open Source software and when necessary bodge the odd DIY project.