SBARC used the last fixed date Advanced exam for 3 students to sit their Advanced exam on 6 May 2016.
As this was a Friday exam we were fortunate to be assisted by our local sister club Shirehampton ARC who meet on Fridays and were able to offer us the use of their exam room, although as it turned out due to redecoration of the Sea Cadet building used by Shirehampton ARC we had to occupy their shack for the evening as the new doors to the training/exam rooms had new locks for which the keys had not been distributed.
Despite this this Martin 2E0EUW, Gary 2E0GCC and Mark 2E0FKV spent 2 hours answering the 62 questions before retiring to the adjacent Lamplighters pub with their lead invigilator Henryk M0HTB, Andy G7KNA and other members of Shirehampton ARC.
Our thanks to Shirehampton ARC for so readily accommodating us and good luck to the candidates as they await their results.
Marks new callsign
Mark, formerly 2E0FKV, reports that he is now M0SKV. Congratulations!
Martins new callsign
Martin, formerly 2E0EUW, reports that he is now M0JEA. Congratulations!