2015 Awards

Winners of the Terry Dunsford Award, Jean Fletcher Award and DX Challenge 2015

The club has an awards system and annually at our Christmas Party, up to 4 awards can be presented.

South Bristol Amateur Radio Club members enjoying the Christmas Social

This year the Terry Dunsford and Jean Fletcher awards were presented to members along with the DX Challenge certificate.

The Terry Dunsford Award is presented to the member who in the opinion of the club's Technical Officer taking into account both the complexity of the project and the experience of the member has produced the best "Home Brew" construction.

This years award went to Eddie M0LJT for his homemade from scratch coax switch.

Eddie M0LJT receiving the Terry Dunsford Award from Pearl Dunsford

The Jean Fletcher Award is presented to the member (excluding officers and members of the Committee) who in the opinion of the Committee has given the most support to the Club in the last year.

This years award went to Mark 2E0FKV for his support of all the years Special Event stations and assistance with the antenna maintenance.

Mark 2E0FKV receiving the Jean Fletcher Award from Pearl Dunsford

Each year the club holds an operations contest. The rules are simple, each person is allowed a fixed and equal amount of time on the clubs equipment (rigs, antennas, ATU). In that time they must try to work the best crow-fly distance from the clubs QTH. The person with the longest distance contact wins.

The objective is to provide as level a playing field for all operators as possible and removing the benefits of over familiarity with the equipment by ensuring all operations are from the same location using the same antennas and equipment making it as true a test of the operator as possible.

This year Henryk M0HTB worked the longest distance on the evening of the contest, although sadly he was unable to be at the Christmas Social to receive his certificate in person.

About Andy (G7KNA) 212 Articles
BEng CEng MICE. Chartered Civil Engineer and Licensed Radio Ham (G7KNA). Member of South Bristol Amateur Radio Club since 2005 and Secretary since 2010. Away from the club and work I play with computers and related gadgets exploring Open Source software and when necessary bodge the odd DIY project.