#145Alive (4.1) 27 January 2024

145 Alive Saturday 27 January 2024

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Following on from the event in September 2023, another #145Alive (yes, the hashtag is mandatory so let’s get it trending) is planned for Saturday 27 January 2024 from 13:00 – 15:00.

The format of the event is for multiple nets to be run up and down the country with individual hams being encouraged to either run a net if there is nothing in their locality or call into a net if there is one within range.

For the last event in September 2023 there were 36 planned nets up and down the country. Locally the South Wales and Severnside net was coordinated by our Greg 2W1BUF and friends from a mountain in South Wales on 145.550MHz FM.

As and when more details emerge we will try to collate them on this post, so please bookmark this page and check back every so often in the run-up to the event. In the meantime put the date (and the time) in your diary so that you don’t find yourself unavailable when this event comes around.

Link to the #145Alive Facebook Group.

Frequency (Mhz) Callsign Operators Location Locator Square Country
145.200 2E1BIL/M0IDK Ian And Steve Blythe Bridge, Stoke IO82XX England
145.250 EI0W OR EI7LF Dundalk Arc Clermont Carn IO64UB Republic Of Ireland
145.250 M0XJA John Clee Hills, Shropshire IO82RJ England
145.275 2E0TMM Jim Hornsea IO93UV England
145.275 MN0VFW Jamie/Muarc Club Tandragree, Co Armagh TBC Northern Ireland
145.300 2E0DGP & 2E0OTG Phil & Steve Winter Hill, Lancashire IO83RO England
145.300 GB2MA Stuart Beachy Head JO00DR England
145.325 G3AH Ian (G6Teq) Torquay, Devon IO80FL England
145.325 GS4AGG Scott Glasgow IO75TW Scotland
145.350 2E0VZT & 2E0WIK Paul/Henri Cheshire IO83PG England
145.350 MI0LPO John Slieve Gallion IO64OR Northern Ireland
145.375 EI4KH OR EI7PRC Denis Watergrass Hill IO52TA Republic Of Ireland
145.375 G2TO Derek & Melvin Nr Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk JO02JF England
145.375 GW4WXM Mark, Steven And Bill Nr Chirk, North Wales IO82LW Wales
145.400 G0DJA David Axe Edge, Derbyshire IO93AF England
145.425 2E0WHQ Dom Wiltshire IO91CL England
145.425 GM3STM Scott Ayrshire IO75UL Scotland
145.450 G0CNN Ian Nr Wensleydale, North Yorks IO94AI England
145.450 G5STU Stuart Purbeck Hills, Dorset IO91TB England
145.450 GI0AZA Ian & Ester Bessybelle TBC Northern Ireland
145.475 2M0YTN John Tbc IO85SS/IO85RT Scotland
145.475 GX8ROC Club Callsign Kitt Hill, Cornwall I070UM England
145.475 M0XIC & M0RHK Mark & Richard Dudley, West Mids IO82WM England
145.475 MN0NWG Michael Sheriffs Mountain TBC Northern Ireland
145.525 MW0HRD Bob North-West Wales IO72TW Wales
145.550 2M0ROT Stu Greenock IO75PW Scotland
145.550 2W1BUF, GW0HKU,MW0KKR,2W1HOW,MW7ERP Greg, Tom, Rob, Tom & Garry South-East Wales IO81HR Wales
145.550 EI3JRB Reuben Ballybay IO64MB Republic Of Ireland
145.550 G0JJI Peter Poole, Dorset IO82XR England
145.550 M0VRI / M7MLE Jonathan & Emily Kent JO01HH England
About Andy (G7KNA) 212 Articles
BEng CEng MICE. Chartered Civil Engineer and Licensed Radio Ham (G7KNA). Member of South Bristol Amateur Radio Club since 2005 and Secretary since 2010. Away from the club and work I play with computers and related gadgets exploring Open Source software and when necessary bodge the odd DIY project.