145 Alive

2m FM Simplex Activity Period

145 Alive Saturday 29 April 2023

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This is the second event of it’s kind and hopefully will lead to more. The idea is to encourage 2m FM simplex use around the country with ad-hoc nets forming in different regions or areas. There are a number of different threads around the web where people are discussing potential activity. Many SOTA activators are planning summit activations to coincide with the activity period and will have good coverage thanks to their elevation.

The event takes place between 13:00Hrs and 15:00Hrs BST (12:00 – 14:00 UTC) on Saturday 29 April 2023. Updated information will probably appear first on the 145 Alive Facebook Group although there is an active discussion taking place on the SOTA reflector:

Currently planned nets are as follows:

Frequency (MHz) Location/Region Operators/Net Controllers
145.2750 Northern Peak District Chris M0RSF
145.3000 Lancashire Phil 2E0DGP, Steve 2E0OTG
East Sussex Stuart M0ABT
145.3250 Scottish Borders George MM0JNL
West Sussex Tim G5TM
145.3500 Buckinghamshire Dave M0TPT
145.3750 Anglesey and North Wales Simon MW0NWM
Cambridgeshire Bury St. Edmunds ARC G2TO Tim and Derek
145.4000 West Midlands Adrian G6AD, Jez M0NTC
145.4250 Wiltshire Dom 2E0WHQ
Ayrshire Scott GM3STM
145.4500 North East England Graeme M0EUK, Keith G4ITR, Brian G8KPD
Dorset Stuart G5STU
145.4750 Cornwall Cornwall Radio Operators Club G8ROC
145.5500 North East Scotland Fraser MM0EFI
Kent Jonathan M0VRI, Emily M7MLE
South East Wales and Severnside Greg 2W1BUF, Tom MW7ERP, Rob GW0HKU, Tom MW0KKR

Definitely time to get the old 2m FM gear out for an airing, from your home QTH if you’re blessed with a good location, otherwise consider going portable somewhere in the open.

About Andy (G7KNA) 212 Articles
BEng CEng MICE. Chartered Civil Engineer and Licensed Radio Ham (G7KNA). Member of South Bristol Amateur Radio Club since 2005 and Secretary since 2010. Away from the club and work I play with computers and related gadgets exploring Open Source software and when necessary bodge the odd DIY project.