SPECIAL EVENT – International Lighthouses and Lightships on the Air (Saturday)
We hope to be operating GB0CCC/strong> from the ‘John Sebastian‘ in Bathurst Basin.
The days events are planned to be something along the lines of:
- 09:00 – 10:00 Station setup
- 10:00 – 16:00 On Air
- 16:00 – 16:30 Partial Station Dismantling
There are a variety of tasks that members and guests can undertake throughout the day:
- Station setup
- Station operation
- Logging
- Public engagement
- Photographs during setup and operation
- Videos during setup and operation
- “Live” Social Media Posts
- QSO recording
- Station dismantling
Useful Links:
- Event Details: International Lighthouses and Lightships on the Air Website, and
- Host Organisation: Cabot Cruising Club.