FIRST THURSDAY – Linux: The Sane Choice in Operating Systems
Until further notice, please contact us by email to confirm that our First Thursday meetings are going ahead.
Due to ongoing building works to renovate the Lounge area of the Novers Park Community Association, where we usually meet, we are unable to occupy our meeting space until further notice.
Consequently we have to review, each month, the possibility of our regular meeting taking place. We have maintained our Calendar in the hope that the works will soon be complete and we can return to normal activities but we can make no promises at this time, hence the request that before you travel to visit us you take a moment to get in touch by email or watch our TWITTER (sorry X) @G4WAW feed.
We apologise for this but the situation is outside of our control.
Andy G7KNA started using Linux as his Operating System of choice about 15 years ago following some encouragement by Steve G0UQT.
With the increasingly aggressive vendor lock-in and concerns over privacy and data breaches are Open Source Operating systems like LINUX the answer?
This evening Andy G7KNA will give an introduction to often daunting and confusing world of LINUX and discuss, distributions, desktops and package managers amongst other things. It is hoped to be able to demonstrate some LINUX distributions in action.
Join Zoom Meeting
If the link above doesn’t work, you can copy and paste it into a new tab in your web browser of choice
Alternatively head to https://zoom.us/join and join with the following credentials
- Meeting ID: 891 6441 3031
- Passcode: 73009700
A note on etiquette:
This will be a hybrid meeting, which means that there will be people physically present and present via a video link. Can everyone please respect that this means we won’t know who is within earshot, therefore please behave accordingly; moderating language used to that deemed appropriate for polite mixed company that might include younger people and don’t shout over those who are not present in person. Remember to look to the screen in the room as well as the people physically in the room and avoid interrupting someone on screen.
These virtual meetings can work and provide a way for those unable to attend in person to continue to participate but only if everyone adapts to this new style of working.