New section.
Foundation Exam 08-09-2016
Indicative 100% pass rate from the Foundation Exam for4 students
Intermediate Exam 28-07-2016
2 students sat their Intermediate Exam on 28 July 2016. Indicative marks indicate 2 passes. Well done guys!
RSGB Releases New Video
GB1SS Schools speaking to TimPeake
Advanced Exam 06-05-2016
Good luck to 3 students from SBARC who sat their Advanced Exam on the last pre-set exam date
RSGB Examination Report
The RSGB have published the Examination report for 2015
RSGB Videos
The RSGB have released 2 new videos about and introducing Amateur Radio
2016 Weston-super-Mare Radio and Electronics Rally
Weston super Mare Radio Society (est 1923) are proud to announce the new, larger, indoor Radio and Electronics Rally 2016
Alex Discovers Amateur Radio
'Alex Discovers Amateur Radio' is a publication by the RSGB aimed at introducing the hobby to newcomers and schools. It is useful both as an introduction to the hobby and as a reference whilst study aspects of the Foundation Syllabus
Great Western Air Ambulance Talk
South Bristol ARC are pleased to be able to host a presentation by the Great Western Air Ambulance Charity on 4 February 2016