OfCom Website Update
During a website revamp, it appears that OfCom have accidentally restored some older documents to current status […]
During a website revamp, it appears that OfCom have accidentally restored some older documents to current status […]
Following confirmation of the Licence changes and the timetable for examination of the changed conditions, we believe we can fit in a single on-line Foundation Course before 1 September 2024 when the new Licence Conditions become examinable, so we’re going to re-launch our Training offer with an on-line Foundation Course. […]
In the wake of the success of the #145Alive (yes the #hashtag is mandatory) Events someone has come up with the idea of a similar event for 10m FM.
Do you want to know more?
We will meet at the Novers on 07/03/3024, but due to building works in our regular meeting room we will meet downstairs for a social natter at the bar. […]
This OfCom consultation seeks representations on draft regulations, the Wireless Telegraphy (Licence Charges) (Amendment) Regulations 2024 (the “Proposed Regulations”) that if implemented would amend the Wireless Telegraphy (Licence Charges) Regulations 2020 (the “2020 Regulations”).
The Proposed Regulations set out the changes that OfCom propose to make to licence charges (fees) for some classes of Wireless Telegraphy Act 2006 (the “WT Act”) licences.
OfCom are proposing to make new regulations (Proposed Regulations) that would amend the existing 2020 Regulations in relation to the introduction of three new licence products and their associated fees. OfCom are also removing one class of licence that is now licence exempt. […]
The Progress 87 ISS resupply mission is due to dock with the ISS around 16/17 February 2024. During this time ARISS will shut down all Amateur Radio equipment on the ISS, read this post for the current details […]
Radios capable of receiving broadcasts via FM, AM and DAB are in danger of being phased out as manufacturers of increasingly complex vehicles rely instead on “connectivity” to provide information and entertainment. Increasingly cars are becoming “spaceships” and an over-reliance on connected services to allow operation, monitoring and (worryingly) data sharing presents an interesting potential failure point. […]
145 Alive Saturday 27 January 2024 You are encouraged to share this post with your friends, acquaintances, colleagues and family by all channels available to you. News posts, such as this, published on the SBARC […]
ARISS teams worldwide have come together to prepare a hamradio SSTV event to mark the 40th Anniversary of STS-9 when Owen Garriott W5LFL became the first person to operate Amateur Radio from space.
Dave (formerly M7BBN) has successfully sat his Intermediate exam. […]
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